Saturday, 5 October 2019

A Misfit Among Misfits - Binging On Monitors

Served inside this glass
Is liquids of our vision
A slush of pixels and poison
Crackling like static
Served for all
And all enjoy
It shares their joy
And so much more

I had this drink
And I do not regret it
Since I had it so much
I can barely forget it
To what extent is it me?
That I cannot say
I simply am, I simply be
And drink to my extent

Though the more I drank
The more I thought
More images spun through
I needed to have them down
But I never got them down
Because I drank the cup down
Life was the chaser, but still I was down
For progress never soared at all

But those thoughts, they grew
They needed homes
All I could give them was shacks
And shacks do nothing
They break and wither
With wither I’m left alone
With life I have none concrete
I was in that shack as well

No one cared for me
Aside from the shack
I was left to drink and attack
What I fought was ghosts
And this rose with every glass
I withered those thoughts
In those shacks
And for that, I am sorry

I could have done so much more
But now I’ve drunken myself low
And all I see are glitches and stops
What was on the left now resides right
Black and grey fuzzy lines
Where people once were
My mirror image is not there
The file cannot be found

Around me others speak in bleeps
But then I hear them say to me
“Why do you keep speaking bleeps?
What is with you? Are you okay?”
I’m not okay, no yes I am
Served in this glass is...wait...
Wait...I’ve said this already
I’m not fine, no yes I am

What everyone sees so common
Is mangled to mine own eyes
I’ve never felt the cables tied
Unless they bound me to darkness
My eyes display is always jade
With bars of rose from time to time
I’m short of breath, I need help
I’m stuck for no reason at all

Trapped inside with ambition diluted
By this drink I love so much
It’s not its fault, it’s merely mine
I could make much more of it
But instead I see rifts and cracks
I make sounds either artificial or not
They could be wondrous, but they are nothing
‘Cause no one seems to hear anything

I am not alone with this excess
So many others have drunk this too
But they’re alright, they’re jolly
They make use of this goop
I have not because...
Because I...I...
Why have I not?
Shouldn’t I be okay too?

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