It seemed as though God
decided to bring the scares of Halloween early in the year by essentially subjecting the
world to one of the ugliest American elections in history. I mean it’s quite
horrendous that out of all the millions of people the 50 states could hold,
they could only consider a rotting pumpkin-headed bigot-billionaire and a
two-faced millennial-baiting robot as the best candidates to represent them.
These two are hated not just by their opponents, but even by people who are
under their party. They’re both corrupt, pathological liars, guilty of some
sort of crime and driven by their egos. And as each day marches on they
essentially drown our poor neighbours to the South with scandal after scandal. And
boy it’s not like the third parties are really throwing any life preservers.
What with Johnson being the libertarian scarecrow in desperate need of a brain
and Stein being a green witch whose magic spells give people smallpox because
they believe vaccines cause autism.
Now I’m one of the (un)lucky few who was able to vote
in this election. And I certainly have been quite invested by the whole
process. Seeing Barack break the black barrier and facing the eight years of
vitriol that the right had thrown on him had me hooked on the political circus.
Adding on a news media that at best was sensationalist and at worst partisan,
the unmitigated gall of the standard politico’s penchant for lying, and the
comedians who took it upon themselves to make the days’ events more palatable
to the youth made me feel like there is something so beautiful about the broken
system. And well, why not throw my pebble to the pond? I was sure 2016 would be
just fine.
But then the US got to where it is now. And some of us
have done some soul searching.
Over the years, the way in which I viewed the
political world in the US was from a very typical point of view. That being
that as a young man, I was staunchly Democrat and you dirty Republicans
couldn’t convince me otherwise. Indeed, I still find myself holding on to the
left, especially given the current circumstances. But I’m sympathetic to the
Republicans. It seems quite unrealistic that we cannot focus on the reasonable
Republicans, on the moderates. Such seemed so alien, so contradictory in the
media lens. And indeed I was finding myself more disenfranchised by the
Democrats who seemed not to do much about what they talked about.
Even amongst this election, with an orange clown
constantly tripping and saying that he never slips, and the venomous
alt-righters who would happily make a conspiracy theory about how what Clinton
eats is actually supporting the terrorists and call you a shilling cuck if you
disagreed, I do understand why this race is closer than we’d hope it to be. I
see why people can’t trust Hillary because I felt the Bern and found myself
aflame after the DNC leaks. I understand that are people who would like some
better border protection who aren’t doing so out of a bigoted mindset but
rather a frustration and insecurity that they feel. Most importantly, for as
much as I love being on the left, Christ Almighty there are some obnoxious and
ignorant people who only serve to belittle you because you don’t toe their
The US was building up to this powder keg exploding,
with the divisiveness only growing with each coming year. It would have been so
nice to see some peace and compromise, to find our leaders being more
reasonable and shaking hands. But it’s foolish to hope for that in 2016 after
the birther issue, the Benghazi scandal and the government shutting down like a
Windows 10 computer abruptly updating. America was on the edge from all the
stress that the government was causing. 2016 is the electoral equivalent of
screaming at a pillow and punching a wall; our anger just had to come out – we
could no longer kid ourselves with the façade of civility we were maintaining.
This election has been so much of a burden, so much so
that even here in Canada, I feel it necessary to talk about it because of just
how much it affects the world. We mull through the speeches, the scandals, the
think-pieces, the surrogates, the news coverage, the jokes, the memes, the
conspiracies, the comments from strangers, the arguments with parents, the
tacky merchandise, the inner thoughts and the policies of each candidate and we
still feel unsure of what will come. Moreso, we feel unsure of if our decision
is the right one. Not many of us Americans who vote will be completely
confident in our candidate. And more so than any other year, we will vote more
because of how much they can’t stand to see the other one take the helm. Such
may be run-of-the-mill of elections. But in this one, we’re tired of it all. We
just want some calm.
Note: I'm well aware Halloween has passed but this was written before such.
Note: I'm well aware Halloween has passed but this was written before such.
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