(Open with a door and a room that is filled with
Post-Its, corkboards, tacks, string and anything else conspiracy theorist
looking. Gary goes to knock on the door, which Ekup answers)
Gary: Are you E*hiccup*kup?
Ekup: It’s pronounced Eh-*hic*-kap.
But yes, I am the one you seek. You *hic* must be Gary. Come in.
Gary: I gotta be honest with you,
I wasn’t *hiccup* expecting to end up here. I thought I’d be at a *hiccup*
doctor’s office.
Ekup: Trust *hic* me. You’re
safer here.
Gary: (looks confused but then
dismisses the comment) So…can you *hiccup* help me?
Ekup: I don’t know…*hic* …are you
willing to learn…*hic* (extra-dramatically)…the awful truth?
Gary: (curious) What do you mean?
All I have are *hiccup*s that won’t go away.
Ekup: Yes, I thought too that the
*hiccup*s were just nothing to worry about. A minor
incon-*hic*…incon-*hic*…inconveni-*hic*…annoying. That they were nothing to be
afraid of. After all, they come *hic* and go, right?
Gary: Well these don’t.
Ekup: I assume that you’ve tried
all the *hic* tricks. But they don’t really kill the *hiccup*s. They just make
them dormant.
Gary: What do you mean, *hiccup* dormant?
Gary: What do you mean, *hiccup* dormant?
Ekup: (Pointing to the wall) You
see, the *hiccup*s never leave. They just rest. But when they *hic* return,
they become more powerful than ever. Have you ever wondered how no one *hic* really
knows why we even get the *hiccup*s? How no one has found the answer to that
questions after all *hic* these centuries of medical advances?
Gary: Come to *hiccup* think of
it…I don’t know why I get these *hiccup*s…
Ekup: Exactly! That’s because of
the *hiccup*-spiracy!
Gary: (shocked) The
Ekup: (going to a book or the
board to illustrate the conspiracy) For centuries, many *hic* brave souls have
been trying to *hic* get to the bottom of why we have these dreaded *hiccup*s.
They managed to gather infor-*hic*-mation about an elite shadow organi-*hic*-zation
that is destined to keep us in line. To make us obey the government blindly, *hic*
to force us to take vaccines that are slowly killing us, *hic* and to continue
giving Micheal Bay money to make his movies!
Gary: (gasps and hiccups at the
same time, you figure that one out) My god! So my roommate who does nothing but
eat mushrooms and listen to Alex Jones *hiccup* is right!
Ekup: Ex-*hic*-actly! In fact, that’s the only way these *hic* people (pointing or pulling out images of people who have uncovered the Hiccupspiracy) have found it out. But they have been caught, killed or reprogrammed in the name of the *hiccup*-spiracy. But why are you in my midsts? You seem like the average *hic* sheeple. Tell me your dissenting thoughs, comrade.
Ekup: Ex-*hic*-actly! In fact, that’s the only way these *hic* people (pointing or pulling out images of people who have uncovered the Hiccupspiracy) have found it out. But they have been caught, killed or reprogrammed in the name of the *hiccup*-spiracy. But why are you in my midsts? You seem like the average *hic* sheeple. Tell me your dissenting thoughs, comrade.
Gary: Well I haven’t been liking
Pixar movies late-*hiccup*-ly.
Ekup: (writing notes) M-*hic*-hm…
Gary: I really can’t stand *hiccup*
Drake’s music at all…
Ekup: (continues to write down
notes) Yes…
Gary: And I just can’t bring
myself to watch *hiccup* Breaking Bad. So overrated...
Ekup: (drops notepad and pencil
dramatically) My god! The *hiccup*-spirators will surely give *hic* you the
ultimate penalty for this!
Gary: What *hiccup* about you?
Ekup: I *hic* dare not say it
aloud…but I con-*hic*-fide in you. (whispers the secret into Gary’s ear)
Gary: Holy sh-*hiccup*!
(loud noises are heard, mostly consisting of things being
broken, a siren going off and military like people shouting to find Ekup, the
Hiccupspiracy Soldier arrives at the door)
Hiccupspiracy Soldier:
Ekup, we know you’re in there. You are in violation 593-D of the Hiccupinati’s
Judicial Code For Society. There is nowhere for you to run so come quietly with
your friend.
Ekup: Fuck *hic* you*!
Hiccupspiracy Soldier: You
leave us no choice. (Presses a button and begins to bust the door down)
Ekup: (grows weaker with each hiccup) *hic* God-*hic*-damn it! The *hic* mega-*hiccup*s! Run *hic* Gary! Spread *hic* the *hic* word! They *hic* can’t *hic* silence *hic* us *hic* all. Qu-*hic*-ick-*hic*-ly, save *hic* your-*hic*-self. (points to the exit with last bit of energy, dies)
Ekup: (grows weaker with each hiccup) *hic* God-*hic*-damn it! The *hic* mega-*hiccup*s! Run *hic* Gary! Spread *hic* the *hic* word! They *hic* can’t *hic* silence *hic* us *hic* all. Qu-*hic*-ick-*hic*-ly, save *hic* your-*hic*-self. (points to the exit with last bit of energy, dies)
(The Hiccupspiracy Soldier busts down the door and sees
Gary. Gary rushes towards the exit, doing little jumps/stops/jolts as his
hiccups continue to escalate as the Hiccupspiracy Soldier chases after him)
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