- Trump is obviously not going away
- Potential options are returning to his old life in now as a fully conservative celebrity rather than quasi-liberal, becoming a kingmaker for the future GOP candidate, or pulling a Grover Cleveland and winning in 2024. Rallies will not stop happening but they'll be more infrequent as Trump gets lazier
- He'll be shockingly transparent about certain aspects of the presidency that will further in his role in taking the mask off of the internal rot of the American government. This will be largely ignored in the mainstream media for the sake of rebuilding the prestige of the presidency with Joe Biden but it will land significantly on social media
- Though his image will slowly get reformed (especially if it becomes unlikely he'll run again), he will become persona non grata in the mainstream media to appear otherwise, making only rare appearances on there to speak as an ex-president
- Fox News will be added to his shit-list
- He will try create a media-apparatus for himself to compete with Fox either from the ground-up or joining OANN, attempting to bring over Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity to join. Most likely they will try to carry water for him at stay on Fox News for the good pay, though perhaps they may be so sycophantic that they will come to join him
- Depending on the success of Biden's presidency and the prospects of the GOP vis-a-vis Trump, Fox News will either crush him in the competition (though they might not have to as Trump will just fall flat on his face trying to go after him) or bury the hatchet to prep him for 2024
- Either way, expect a lot of dirty laundry to be aired out from both camps
- A few GOP figures will start offering mea culpas (if they haven't already) for going as far as they did with Trump, with more of them getting rehabilitated than would be comfortable (the number I would personally be comfortable with is absolutely zero)
- Conservatives won't consider Biden to be their legitimate president to such a point that some will try to do Russiagate tactics on him in an effort to get him impeached. Most likely, this won't go as far as there will be an even flimsier case to be made without foreign election interference. They may however try to pad a case to get Biden impeached on account of all the dealings Hunter Biden made but that too will lead nowhere
- Very slight student debt relief and $15 minimum wage nationally will be followed through on to be something that the administration and its allies in the media class can point to showing that Joe's getting some change done. But it'll come from some negotiation that results in the GOP getting a greater win in some fashion. Perhaps Biden will finally get a chance to cut Social Security and spin it as a good thing
- Legal immigration will be improved under Biden slightly but deportations will be between Trump and Obama levels.
- The Dems will try to make some of the norms that Trump violated into law (ex. you'll have to show your tax returns to run) but they won't go anywhere. Biden himself will violate those same norms and hours will be spent on each side jerking each other off about how hypocritical the other side is being
- Biden will join the Paris Climate Agreement as promised but efforts in building back the Iran Deal will largely be futile, either from Republicans, the intelligence communities and/or the military-industrial complex trying to blow it up or Iran not having any trust in the US to keep its word
- Pointless saber-rattling with Russia. There will be a desire to get more tough with them what with all they have wrought with their election interference but there won't be anything to attach that anger to
- North Korea situation will get worse under Biden because they'll refuse to accept that Trump was heading in a better direction than what they were doing
- Unlikely thawing of relationships with Cuba as Biden moves to be more assertive on Venezuela, only to result in disaster when they bungle another coup attempt
- 50/50 chance a member of The Squad goes viral for a filibuster
- Censorship efforts will get more insidious, as the mainstream media doubles down on its disdain of Trumpism and progressives simultaneously. More billionaires buying up news outlets with 50/50 chance Bezos gets to swoop up the New York Times
- DC and Puerto Rican statehood will be spoken of more often, but nothing will be done about it
- QAnon-inspired attacks will spring up all over the country. Biden will condemn such actions and ask for gun control, GOP will be disgusted but offer nothing but thoughts and prayers
- 2022 midterm wipeout for the Dems very likely
- If Biden does enough of a good job on COVID-19, the Senate may get into Democrats' hands to create a backwards Obama first term (that will still retain the lack of substantial policy changes that get pushed through). However this could be negated if the Republicans trigger a shutdown
- Biden loses more Latino voters, especially in Florida. This will not assuage him or his team on trying to win them back for 2024 with Kamala
- California Prop-22 ballot initiatives will pop up around more states here (if they don't already get through in some measure before) and will have a 50% success rate, most likely getting success in places where the Democratic machine is more powerful and therefore able to be more relentless
- A random celebrity is going to be elected senator. Don't know who, don't know what party they'll be a part of, but it is going to happen. It won't be Kanye though
- 2023 will see a bubble burst. Republicans will blame the Dems while the Dems will bemoan about how unpredictable it was and how they've been doing such a good job so far of keeping everything on the level, especially considering the mess that Trump left them and bailouts aplenty will go out to the the wealthy and the corporations while the rest get zilch
- Biden's approval rating will be more volatile than Trump's, starting in the low-to-mid 60s and ending in the mid-to-high 30s, but will maintain itself in the same equilibrium as Trump where there is a constant disapproval that inches towards breaking 50
- 2024 election will result in a Republican victory
- Republicans will have a larger field of candidates vying for the position, but the winner will ultimately be determined by how much of Trump's magic they'll be able to get on them
- Democrats will rally around Kamala with a few candidates trying their best to usurp her, with the most "progressive" one getting the close to doing so but ultimately failing due to the party's structure, simply not being progressive enough and/or claims of hurting the party for even daring to run.
- 50/50 chance a third party candidate gains some prominence
Friday, 20 November 2020
Biden Presidency Prediction List
Monday, 9 November 2020
The Late Night Sundown With Joe Biden
With Trump defeated, most of us are left with a decent idea of what a Biden administration will look like in the next four year: par-for-the-course, limp-dick, let's-all-get-into-a-room-together-and-hash-it-out-like-civilized-folk-to-bomb-the-Middle-East-bipartisanly, boring-yet-frustrating business as usual. But what will become of the late night comedy landscape now that it will no longer have to draw from the well of hackneyed "orange man bad" material? Are we gonna be able to turn off our brains and finally have some fucking fun? Or will we still have to be nagged in believing the Democrats are just the greatest until humanity ceases to exist from its own follies? Allow me to game out the potential possibilities of what humor will be like under Joe Biden's America. (I'm sure I'll be wrong on some of these but at least I'll have better luck than the last time I did something like this)
Stephen Colbert (The Late Show With Stephen Colbert)
Oof, can I just be real with you for a second? I hate what Stephen Colbert has become under Trump. When we awaited to see what it would be like to see Stephen the man, not the character, what we found is that the smugness and the ego from the latter absorbed itself into the former. That man has been rotted from the inside out by the orange brainworms that have infested his head, trying to rationalize how this reality-show buffoon could ascend to the highest office in the land. Colbert has been unable to think about Trump far more than anyone else out here and it has sucked out all the talent that one could've hoped to see from him. You look at every interview Colbert has done with someone and he will immediately try to get at least one question in to get a dig at the Donald. Even if his guest is an apolitical Irish flautist, he cannot help himself. It's truly been sad to see.
Much as that has brought him success these past four years, Biden getting in might be the point where his whole operation comes crashing down. Colbert's maintained his success on the Report because he was able to fit into the archetype of the Bush-era sycophant turned Obama-era reactionary in such a way that could garner him interest from conservatives while also letting liberals in on the joke. He's kept himself afloat because he bet right to go for the hyperpolitical approach over trying to come to the middle. But now, he's gonna be adrift in an environment that is most likely going to tune out politics rather than expect his "hot" takes.
Maybe he'll try to bring back Stephen Colbert the character, but the magic will have worn off. He certainly can't get back the conservative audience he lost, they already know how much of a lib he is! And for the bit to really work, he would have to become on par or crazier than Alex Jones. If he can't pull it off, it's gonna look lame. If he can, it's gonna be very weird. Best case for him is to try to channel some Phil Ken Sebben energy and become a caricature of himself as a late-night host. Being self-aware and making a few more self-deprecating jokes might be able to get him back to being as good as he used to be.
John Oliver (Last Week Tonight)
While Oliver is the progenitor of the Drumpf-style humor, he's been more defined by the half-topical, half-idiosyncratic political issues he divulges into before finding some new way to set a pile of HBO's money on fire. He's the epitome of infotainment, somewhat informative, not quite so entertaining. His show has been useful in illuminating some issues and he can be daring enough to stir up legitimate controversy, but he's never going to get into the greater systemic critique or put himself outside of his comfort zone for an issue no matter how hard he firmly believes in it. He'll stay as is, which may make him the most controversial figure in a Biden presidency as even a milquetoast criticism of his administration would trigger the rabid snarling of a thousand blue checkmarks, but that would be unlikely considering Oliver's style. Even if he did step out of line a bit, he'd quickly try to win over the audience by parading a bunch of mascots out taking about potato battery subsidies or whatever the fuck. Expect him to bring out a lot more goofy news items.
Saturday Night Live
Could it be that we get to see some wonderfully absurd sketches becoming viral instead of the mega-cringe that has inundated our social media feeds for what feels like decades? Will we see a return of the SNL movie starring a millennial influencer that becomes a gay guido from smoking a magical vape pen? Will the hosts become increasingly offensive to joyless social justice warriors for speaking the truth to the point that the entire series will end with one of them getting sucker punched by Kate McKinnon dressed up as Hillary Clinton? Or will the torture never end and we will be subject to an interminable fellatio of Biden and the Democrats mixed in with reactionary garbage that no one asked for? Who's to say? I'm just so tired...
Jimmy Kimmel (Jimmy Kimmel Live)
Four words: No more carelord Jimmy. Those tear ducts of his are almost going to be bone-dry. No doubt he'll still be kind of an abrasive dick, that's his brand, but it won't be so much at the service of demanding that the Republicans shows some decency. Instead it'll be to try and hook Joe Rogan on a gotcha when he has the audacity to invite him over for a quasi-friendly chat. It won't be on some political disagreement, no, he'll be trying to stir up some drama. He'll be glad to be able to cut loose a bit more, get to doing some more promotional work for the mouse, but I'm sure that once a real critical issue comes up, he's gonna have to get back to being serious for the sake of civility.
Jimmy Fallon (The Tonight Show With Jimmy Fallon)
Just as Colbert is likely to nose-dive, Fallon is likely to sky rocket as the new king of late night. All that shit that he's had to endure from folks that told him that he was wrong to ruffle that tangerine fascist's toupee like he was some loveable scamp will have been worth it when those same people are agog in childish delight over him playing life-size Hungry Hungry Hippos with Lil Nas X and John Kasich. If brunch moved to midnight under a Biden administration, his show will be main thing you'll see on the TV screens at the bar. That will be the panem et circenses for the American suburbanite.
Seth Meyers (Late Night With Seth Meyers)
Definitely not gonna see much change with him, he's the cool glass of water of late night - not the most flavorful but sufficiently refreshing. He'll still do A Closer Look. There may be a joke that might get a few people angry if he gets a little too off-script, but he'll apologize immediately for it. That outrage will only happen once in the next four years. Nothing but smooth sailing.
Bill Maher (Real Time With Bill Maher)
Another person that is not going to see much change. Get ready to see him punch down to the left, saying that they should stop getting so uppity about Medicare 4 All or a Green New Deal when Joe (excuse me, Kamala, we all know she's gonna be running things while Sleepy Joe takes a nap *smug grin*) still has to clean up the mess Donald left him. He'll certainly want to talk tough to the Dems for being capital L losers with the senate still stuck in Republican hands. And once the dial on starting a war with Iran gets cranked up by the deep state, he'll be ready to cheerlead them on in the name of logic, science and atheism. Inshallah? I think not!
Samantha Bee (Full Frontal With Samantha Bee)
Initially I thought that Samantha Bee wouldn't have much of a place under a Biden administration and she'd most likely pack it in and be on her merry way but then it just hit me. Kamala Harris is the first female (and POC) vice president of the United States! She finally has the girlboss that she's been waiting for ever since she said I'm With Her to a smiling picture of Hillary Clinton. Not only can she carve out a suitable niche there, she can also try to angle for the Fox and Friends to Kamala's Trump, doing her best to sing her praises whenever she can, indulge in her being the true leader once Joe forgets where he is in the 10th consecutive press conference he's had, even offer her some suggestions like "abolish ICE (or if that's too much, maybe change the head of the department to a Latina?" or "do not listen to a word that Bernie Sanders has to say ever". If it goes well for her, she might be able to get a few on-air calls from the VPOTUS herself!
Trevor Noah (The Daily Show With Trevor Noah)
Done for good. He tried to keep the brand going once Stewart gave him the torch but it did not last for too long, there's just nothing that he's offering that you can't get anywhere else. You think he's going to get tons of press attention for eviscerating Biden or whoever in the next few years? No, of course not! The Daily Show is going to end not with a bang but with the forced corpsing of Trevor Noah seeing Ted Cruz make an ass out of himself for the millionth time. Or it could continue to stay on but go back to the Craig Kilborn formula. Either way, no one's gonna be watching.
Hasan Minhaj (Patriot Act With Hasan Minhaj)
Super donezo. There's three ways this can go: he gets cancelled mid-season from Netflix shitting the bed and sacrificing his show along with a bunch of other shows that didn't get any advertising whatsoever, he turns into a program that exclusively panders to Indians and Muslims just as a matter to maintain a loyal viewership, or, in a very unlikely event, he makes some truly ballsy criticisms about the Biden administration that result in him getting blackballed from the industry in a truly sickening way.
I'll give it a year and see where we go from there!
(P. S. - Conan O'Brien and James Corden are not included here because in my view Conan is far more apolitical than Fallon and therefore has not been in the crosshairs in any political sense (thereby meaning that he will stay the same as he was before without much to say on the matter) and Corden is only a late night comedy figure in the most technical definition of the words)
Friday, 6 November 2020
La Raza? Olvidatelo! - What It Means To Be Latino Outside Of The Homeland
Thursday, 15 October 2020
Vaulkintu Experiment - Record #COVIGO-01490
> "-=_x--xx_xx----x_x-xx"
DR. KIRKEY: Vaulkintu is the desire of self-destruction. Upon creation, objects quickly (relative to the entire existence of the universe) seek to destroy themselves. But once inception bested the void, the intangible fabric of our world got caught with the specks of materiality. Even upon returning to the unseen stability, presence could not be forgoed. We desire the quantum state tangled in that intangible fabric so they said. Therein lies immortality.
DR. CIUYE: I remember emerging from the cave into the chasm. I'm not precisely sure why the patient sat there leering into the amethyst obelisk. Previously prodders had told me that the DeepNeuro-O5x of the patient was upgraded. The likelihood it was a hard glitch was not likely then. Neither was it likely that it was a soft glitch. My hand did not pass through them. Their eyes were sunken so much I could barely make out their irises. I suppose I would be no different under such interminable pain.
DR. S. VAVILLE: The subconscious as we refer to it is a misnomer. It'd be better to call it a midconscious. I was the only one doing the thinking these days. The only one focusing on what mattered. The true subconscious held, within it, uncharted territory made with the remains of our dreams. We obsessed much over dreams, those bits of mental entertainment that either elated or frightened us in the midst of slumber. Everyone always wanted to decipher what it meant when they were falling down through a mall or their hands suddenly turned to ash. My colleagues were no different. Trivial concerns for the trivial masses.
S_VAVILLE [ADMIN] --- What did you find from the patient?
CIUYE [MIDPROD/SUPERVISOR] --- Nothing but an empty stare. Syrynn is not in the office so I had to conduct the internal mid-prod myself.
S_VAVILLE [ADMIN] --- Did Dr. Kirkey assist?
CIUYE [MIDPROD/SUPERVISOR] --- He was busy working on #COVIGO-24051
S_VAVILLE [ADMIN] --- I told him that case was no longer necessary to look into.
CIUYE [MIDPROD/SUPERVISOR] --- As did I. He wanted to be sure though. The latest neural procedural world from them fascinated him.
S_VAVILLE [ADMIN] --- You mean the empty motel parking lot at night?
CIUYE [MIDPROD/SUPERVISOR] --- Yes, the patient was dancing around the single street lamp in the middle. The light compelled him Kirkey said.
CIUYE [MIDPROD/SUPERVISOR] --- He said he was compelled to dance too.
S_VAVILLE [ADMIN] --- So he also conducted an internal mid-prod?
S_VAVILLE [ADMIN] --- The junior prodders should be doing this work, not you. We do not have the time that we had in ALERMI.
DR. KIRKEY: I probably should've looked into the latest neural procedural world. But I figured if I looked at #COVIGO-24051, I could distract myself a little from being in Mindlynx. I danced with that patient for a good while; felt the light cleansing me. It cleansed the patient there too. I could see it. Although it was mostly an exercise in relaxation, I could sense there was something in the process that was beneficial to Vaulkintu. Dr. Vaville would argue otherwise, but I wouldn't expect a man of his character to understand.
S_VAVILLE [ADMIN] --- Have you been able to uncover any new commands from Neural Procedural World Projection #47?
S_VAVILLE [ADMIN] --- I find that suspect based on what Dr. Ciuye said.
KIRKEY [SNRPROD/XAXSHEXT] --- Yes. Nothing was revealed.
S_VAVILLE [ADMIN] --- Did their behavior change?
KIRKEY [SNRPROD/XAXSHEXT] --- Like I said, nothing was revealed.
S_VAVILLE [ADMIN] --- So nothing changed?
KIRKEY [SNRPROD/XAXSHEXT] --- The flesh began to bleed with one of the commands.
S_VAVILLE [ADMIN] --- Which command?
KIRKEY [SNRPROD/XAXSHEXT] --- "---x--x===xxxx----xxx"
S_VAVILLE [ADMIN] --- Do you know what it translates to?
KIRKEY [SNRPROD/XAXSHEXT] --- "Ease the suffering"
S_VAVILLE [ADMIN] --- And this is supposed to be a revelation?
KIRKEY [SNRPROD/XAXSHEXT] --- Maybe to you it's a revelation.
S_VAVILLE [ADMIN] --- Perhaps Syrynn will find more that will be of use to me. You just make sure to monitor the patient now. The window to conduct further mid-prods is closing on their latest projection and I do not want to see this set the experiment back any further.
Despite this, I had done my best to work with the circumstances through the creation of the Mindlynx Transsubconscious Analysis Terminal. It was with the M-TAT that I'd found about the process to extract XAXSH commands through the O5x network in order to translate and execute them in the neural procedural worlds. However it is in that process that the difficulty of XAXSH reverse-engineering revealed itself to be impossible. I'd wonder if Vaville would come to see what damage he's creating by attempting the effort himself, but I'm sure he'd say we were all being too dramatic about the pain.
KIRKEY [SNRPROD/XAXSHEXT] --- I'm not sure why you'd ask that.
S_VAVILLE [ADMIN] --- I'm not sure either, but I can't help but be distracted by it. There's nothing particular to glean from its composition.
KIRKEY [SNRPROD/XAXSHEXT] --- You know that abstraction can just exist for abstraction.
S_VAVILLE [ADMIN] --- If such were the case then there would be no need to be doing these investigations.
KIRKEY [SNRPROD/XAXSHEXT] --- I'm just making a point about focus. It doesn't need to be a single point.
S_VAVILLE [ADMIN] --- I think the poster indicates rebirth.
KIRKEY [SNRPROD/XAXSHEXT] --- Environmental changes are a long way from rebirth.
S_VAVILLE [ADMIN] --- Indication is a long way from discovery.
KIRKEY [SNRPROD/XAXSHEXT] --- What? If it were rebirth, wouldn't more have been changed? The light remained blue. The environment was not drastically altered.
S_VAVILLE [ADMIN] --- Perhaps the patient is only at the edge of the potential for rebirth. No matter how powerful they are in their neural procedural worlds, they are not at the capacity to handle quantum physics with the control we have over basic arithmetic. That is why the poster is important to me.
KIRKEY [SNRPROD/XAXSHEXT] --- The poster is not what is causing the changes, at least not by itself. No solitary person can grapple with quantum physics with the ease of basic arithmetic, that can only be done through a concerted effort. Therefore no solitary object can be the necessary path for rebirth.
KIRKEY [SNRPROD/XAXSHEXT] --- I learn more about the true subconscious working with the others than focusing solely on this patient.
S_VAVILLE [ADMIN] --- Run some internal and external mid-prods. See if you can find any commands to decode the poster. And please dedicate yourself to this one. You'll find it a more productive use of all our time.
I focused all my attention on it. More leisure was the goal, but not the means.
How many more would need to be sent into dimensional comas before one of us had the courage to follow our hearts? How many hearts would need to be broken before we all got to go home?
DR. CIUYE: Personally, I was happy to find that the procedure of immortality was more flexible than we’d thought. I appreciated Dr. Kirkey's perspective on rebirth, but Dr. Vaville was our superior. As much as superiority may have rusted academic grunt machinery, he still saw more of the big picture than we did. And unlike most other institutions, his seniority was based on actual merits and intellect, despite him being quite a bit younger than the both of us. Dr. Vaville had worked on several experiments in Mindlynx, a few that even I'd participated in. Much as I could relate with Dr. Kirkey on Dr. Vaville being so overbearing with his theories and assigning us tons of tedious work, I still had to assume there was something to his observations. Though there was no doubt that Dr. Kirkey made a very compelling case regarding the procedure of immortality and methods of rebirth. It would be wise to consider both options rather than simply pursue one. However Dr. Kirkey, much like Dr. Vaville, seemed to believe that only one should be given the utmost of attention. He was perhaps more willing to see the flexibility of the immortality procedure, but to accept it would take him another while. I hoped he would at least entertain the idea. One could do good for everyone. God, after all, was alone in creating the world. And what was life but God's good made manifest to us?
SYRYNN [JNRPROD] --- no not yet
SYRYNN [JNRPROD] --- not quite
CIUYE [MIDPROD/SUPERVISOR] --- Currently running it. I've destroyed a couple of the unstable components of the world. Do you notice anything getting stabler?
KIRKEY [SNRPROD/XAXSHEXT] --- It's getting worse actually but I'm at 90% on the transfer.
> "-=_x--xx_xx----x_x-xx"
"A city hollowed out, a citizenry shucked into a stew of antimatter. Somehow the mountains make their way over. How come my steps create decay? How come the lake is fine to be in with those antique cherry wood patterns sludging about? I can taste the poison in the air. The walk is pleasant though. There was mostly silence. Occasionally the sound of dust and paper heard from another room popped in to break it. The lake was clearly provoking me. Why else would it suddenly ripple? Let me believe that I am on this walk. Whether or not I should does not concern me. Someday the rain will heal the wounds in this place and life can grow anew. But until then I have the pollution and the spectre of what was once my home."
> "x--------------------------------------_"